

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes sperm in a vial delivered via FedEx...

We have done it! We have made our first purchase of cowboy hat baby's the first "delivery" date we are excited about in this process. Hopefully they send some good swimmers who can give us another delivery date to get ready for!

So, here's the plan: Heidi spoke with the doctor and got good news...she got the results of her blood test back and she ovulated last month! This is great news for Heidi since we aren't sure that she always ovulates. That means that when she gets her monthly visitor (due any day now!), we can start her prescription of Clomid. Then (fingers crossed!!!), in about two weeks, we begin taking the ovulation tests and when we get a hit...we inseminate!!!! Yes, I said it...we inseminate! We'll have two days of insemination and then, well, we hope the little miracle of pregnancy happens.

This is the first time, ever I think, that we have been counting down the minutes until Heidi's period started. She had cramps's a strange day when we're excited about that. Today, her breasties were tender...clue number 2! People, these things are important in our quest for insemination!

That's all for now...I hope that the next blog is about her insemination process and the successful use of two vials of cowboy hat baby. I think it would be unladylike if I posted about her period, so you'll just have to keep guessing. :)

Cross your fingers!!! We're on our way...on our unique path...

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